B.F. Westen (pictured below, high in the mountains of Gansu) was deported from China in 2018 after serving (since 2004) in the foreign field that William Borden longed for (yet never reached). He has been happily married to his (longsuffering) Peruvian wife since 2004, and they have three children, the two oldest who were born in Gansu.

His passion is to help Christians pray more strategically for China (PrayforChina.us), especially Gansu Province (Pray4Gansu.com), while also mobilizing a new generation of missionaries from both Latin America (TibetAndina.com) and the English speaking world (PrayGiveGo.us).

Westen has blogged on missions since 2006 (chinacall.substack.com) and tweeted (mostly to himself) since 2009 (@chinaadventures). One of his early blogs (My Burden For The Truly Unreached) was featured in a John Piper sermon (Holy Ambition: Paul’s and Yours). He is currently working on numerous writing projects, including a reboot of his first book, Unbeaten, about his arrest, interrogation, and deportation from China (Unbeaten.vip).